DOOW-IT is supporting MijnUrgentie who can help you with several methods to find a place to live more quick based on your needs.
DOOW-IT is focusing on Disaster and Emergency Solutions and cooperates closely in this matter with Conspectus Academy in Türkiye.
DOOW-IT organized together with NFPA and Conspectus Academy another online conference that will interest you. Click on the picture to see more…
DOOW-IT provides advisor ship for ReadyGlobal helping your organization to be resilient prior to Disaster. We add value to your organization with the following 5 keys:
- Deliver a competitive advantage with expert preparedness and resiliency prior to any crisis or event
- Provide compliance benefits
- Mitigate business risk and financial exposure
- Preserve brand value and company reputation
- Ensure supply chain security and reliable product fulfilment